
Important Notice

This Important Notice, Disclaimer and Copyright shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong.

Please read the following Important Notice, Disclaimer and Copyright carefully. Browsing this website or its web pages shall mean that you have read and agreed with the content and all provisions contained in the Important Notice and Disclaimer. Otherwise, please cease browsing this website.


The information, product and services mentioned in this website shall only be provided at the countries / region where Calf Company Limited ("Company") is legally to so provide and shall be used by a reader only in the circumstance that the applicable laws of the country / region, where he situates or resides, permit him to so use. In such respect, you should (on your own initiative) check, understand and observe the relevant laws and restrictions of the country / region where you situate or reside.

Information posted on this website is applicable only as at the posting date and may no longer be true, complete or applicable when viewed by you. All content in this website may be changed or amended from time to time, although the Company does not undertake to regularly update this website.

The Company shall use its best endeavor to protect any personal data collected. However, data transmission to the Company through internet may be subject to interference that are neither controlled nor foreseen by the Company, or intercepted by third party. The Company therefore does not guarantee the safety of such transmission and the sender shall bear the relevant risks. The Company endeavor to ensure that your information in the Company’s system is safe and secure after the Company receives the relevant transmission.

This website may contain hyperlinks to third party websites for convenient purpose only. Unless otherwise specified, the inclusion of any hyperlink to third party website does not imply any kind of validation by the Company. Use of these hyperlinks to any external website or web page is at the user’s own risk. The Company does not participate in the preparation of nor exercise any control over the contents or information of any third party website or web pages that are linked with this website. The Company therefore is not responsible to the said content or information. The Company therefore is not liable for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by any person who access to any third party website through this website.


The information on this web site is protected by copyright. Except as specifically permitted, no portion of this web site may be distributed or reproduced by any means, or in any form, without the Company's prior written permission.